UBS is a world leader in banking as well as precious metal sales. The bank has a rich history going back to the mid-1800s, and its range of bullion products is well-known among investors for its quality.


UBS was founded in 1862, and it is among the first private Swiss banks; at the time, it was known as the Bank in Winterthur. It began to develop its reputation in the Swiss private banking sector until 1912, when it merged with the Toggenburger Bank and adopted the name it uses today: UBS or Union Bank of Switzerland.

This massive merger and rebranding were compounded by a 1934 banking law that allowed UBS to formally push its trademark Swiss security levels and customer service. Over the following decades, UBS saw competition from other major banking entities in Switzerland, but it remained a massive presence in the banking sector until eventually spreading to an international audience.

From the 1930s to 1980, UBS had a close relationship with Metaux Precieux SA Metalor. This refinery partnership started UBS’s delve into the world of bullion, and it eventually came under UBS’s full ownership for a short time. However, it was later purchased by an investment group and turned into its own entity.

That didn’t cease UBS’s high-quality bullion production, though. While Metaux Precieux SA Metalor was rebranded to SBC SA, UBS continued to work with the company utilizing the original refinery and a secondary refinery for its bullion production. Simultaneously, UBS founded the UBS AG branch; the management branch in charge of facilitating the company’s relationship with its refineries and overseeing the production of its bullion. Today, most of the UBS bullion bars available are manufactured Argor-Heraeus AG, another one of Switzerland’s precious metals refineries.

UBS gold has maintained a stellar reputation with manufacturers by continuing to use the same, albeit rebranded, refineries that it has for nearly a century, and it competes in the top class of bullion producers globally beyond its commercial banking focus. UBS is a renowned financial institution with top-tier global activity, it has become a reliable and stable access point for precious metal investors from around the world.


UBS's bullion products are among the best in the world. They come in a large range of weights, feature a lustrous appearance, and are easily authenticated via on-bar markings and included assays.

UBS Gold Bars:

UBS gold bars provide a wide variety of purchasing options, and while we won’t be highlighting any other forms of UBS precious metals bullion, there are plenty of gold options to suit the preferences of all investors.

First, the cast bar has been in production since 1980 when UBS first began making its bars open for public sale. These bars sell at a slightly lower premium then the minted bars, and they make a great investment option.

Cast gold bars can be found in the following sizes.

  • 100 grams
  • 250 grams
  • 500 grams
  • 1 kilogram
  • 5 kilograms

For 5000-gram cast bars, the serial code will be printed with 1 letter and 6 numbers. For 1000-gram and 500-gram bars, 1 letter and 5 numbers are used. For smaller bars, a simple 6-number serial number is applied to the obverse of the bar.

For all cast bars, the UBS name, serial code, weight, and purity are labeled on the obverse. Depending on the year and size of the bar purchased, you might find the UBS logo on the reverse side of the bar, or it might be left plain.

All UBS cast bars are .9999% pure gold and made with the finest quality standards in mind to ensure crisp engraving lines, fine finishes, and accurate purity and weight ratings. 

UBS also sells minted gold bullion bars that come in smaller sizes. All minted UBS bars have a simple 6-digit serial number.

You can purchase UBS mint bars in the following sizes.

  • 1-oz troy
  • 1-gram
  • 2-gram
  • 5-gram
  • 10-gram
  • 20-gram
  • 50-gram
  • 100-gram

This large variety of sizes makes UBS gold more accessible for retail investors, as well as for investors who would like to build up there portfolio in smaller incremental sized bars. Each minted bar contains the UBS name, the bar's purity (which is .9999%), its weight, and its serial code.

The privately minted bars are highly sought after by investors for their quality, ease of verification, and variety of sizes.

One important factor to consider with the minted bars is that they come in two varieties. The first is the basic minted bar; you can identify this by its plain backing.

However, UBS also provides Kinebars. Kinebars are bars that are engraved with a unique holographic engraving. On UBS, this hologram says “Kinegram”.

The purpose of the Kinebar hologram is to work as a security measure against replicas and other unsavory scams. This provides two major benefits over the plain-backed variant of USB’s minted bars.

First, you can rest assured that your bar is a genuine UBS bar that was genuinely manufactured on behalf of the bank. Second, it can help if you decide to sell your bar at a later date, as it removes the concern of counterfeiting from private buyers.

When possible, it is usually best to go for a UBS bar that contains the Kinebar hologram. However, that’s not an option when purchasing older pre-owned bars.

How to Buy UBS Bullion Gold Bars

UBS bullion bars are available at, and all of our clients enjoy a number of benefits when making their UBS bullion purchases through

When purchasing, you can use 20 international currencies or 8 different cryptocurrencies to complete your purchase. We also offer delivery or secure storage in a Swiss vault to accommodate our clients regardless of their storage abilities.

Finally, all European clients receive VAT-free transactions on silver, platinum, and palladium when purchasing from Suisse Gold.